An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
My Email Communications Security Assessment (MECSA)

Some Statistics From MECSA

The graphics shown on this website display the statistics of the evaluations requested by MECSA users since the service was launched in 2017. Therefore, these figures do not necessarily provide a representative indication of the global deployment of these standards.

The EU Internet Standards Deployment Monitoring website provides more detailed statistics in this regard.

General statistics: 78582 assessments, 22947 email providers.
The following table is a statistical summary of the results obtained.

Score Confidential Delivery Phishing and Identity Theft Integrity
Empty star Empty star Empty star Empty star Empty star 4.67 % 10.39 % 10.62 %
Red star Empty star Empty star Empty star Empty star 0.00 % 0.00 % 8.04 %
Red star Red star Empty star Empty star Empty star 0.00 % 0.40 % 9.43 %
Orange star Orange star Orange star Empty star Empty star 6.60 % 22.66 % 13.23 %
Green star Green star Green star Half-green star Empty star 39.73 % 19.07 % 23.68 %
Green star Green star Green star Green star Empty star 22.01 % 17.92 % 5.03 %
Green star Green star Green star Green star Half-green star 2.69 % 9.26 % 0.00 %
Green star Green star Green star Green star Green star 19.57 % 13.74 % 20.00 %